So, there's some good news and bad news tied up together, so lets start with the bad news so I can cheer you up with the good news. The bad news is... soon I'm going to be a non-member. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that before, but... yeah. The good news is that a buddy of mine on Animal Jam gave me the nonmember Tan Carpet (yay!), so now I have something cool to put in my den XD. The other good news is I have lots of good Fox Hats (in fact I got one before making this post, hue hue). Anyways, enough about MY scoop, onto the normal post!
So lets see here... Well, the space items will be departing within the next week or so, so if you were planning on making a spaceship, well now's your chance! So, without further due, here is a picture of an Animal Jam SpaceShip Den!
Hmm, its seems that there aren't many good Space Ship dens.... Show a screenshot in the comments section below!! Hue hue, sorry for telling you there was a picture there :P
Anyways, I was just thinking about making a new contest, so, please be a daily viewer so that YOU can participate! I will go more in depth on that LATER, but just so you know, all submissions you turn in will have to be in comment format at the bottom of the post, or wherever I tell you to post it, but definitely in comment format.
^ ^
Anyhow, moving onto... FACTOID DAY!!! So, every now and then, I will be doing a Factoid Day where we talk about ONE Animal Jam Animal! So as the FIRST DAY, I will be discussing the panda since Lisa is the one that (used to) introduce new jammers to Jamaa.
(I'm sorry if the image is slightly blurred today.)
So lets start rolling in with the factoids!
Location: Pandas actually live mostly in China!
Habitat: Well, pandas live in forests.
Food: Bamboo, grass, bulbs, gome insects, and fruit! Their diet seems with minimal variety.
Size: Well, I'm sure there are many people that wonder the size of pandas, but typically they are 5 feet long!
Babies: Panda Cubs are born with their eyes closed like humans, and strangely enough are also born hairless!
So that covers the first session of Factoid Day (thunderous applaud and standing ovation, please? :P) I know it was short, but it will be getting longer soon :))))
Anyhowwwwwwwwww, I need to make this post longer, so...
Tomorrow is RIM! (Rare item monday :D) Hopefully they give us a swaggy non-member item! I think all RIMS should be for nonmembers personally. What do you guys think?! Hue hue, AJHQ never lets poor ol' nonmembers get anything.
at all.
So what else is new? Well, yet again, there are more items at the Cloud Party! I think that AJHQ is trying to build up stuff there. Hmm. Sometime I should make a Rainbow Bedroom! Whadd'ya think? It would look pretty cool with the rainbow wallpaper and all of the new items, but gee, the items at that party are SUPER EXPENSIVE! Well, since I don't have many pictures in this post already and the Cloud Party isn't starting until... I'm to lazy to check, here is an image from the web of the Cloud Party for those of you who haven't seen it :)
So thank you Pinkpink9090 for taking that screenshot ^-^. I'm sorry, fellow jammers, there aren't many full images of the Cloud Party. But there is one of the Trading Party!!! (Hue hue, I know you ALL WANTED TO SEE THE TRADING PARTY!)
I have to say, though, to whoever took this lovely photo (Animal Jam Wiki, hue hue :P), it is perdy amazing! You get a full image of the party! I'd love to see a map off Jamaa Township Arranged like this, wouldn't you?
So some people would like to know how to receive a diamond on the Daily Spin, and there is a way for this to happen. So I've tried this before, and it DOES sometimes get you the diamond(s), so here's what you do. First you click on the diamond on the right side of the wheel once, then you click the diamond on the left once, and then you click the gift on the bottom once. Then you hit 'Spin' and see what you get! Unfortunately, it doesn't work all the time, so don't go hating on me :P
Yes, there was a challenge, unfortunately it is OVER! But, if you click on this button, then you can see what dolphin alpha TAVIE was talking about and hopefully stay tuned for even more diamond challenges! Remember, most diamond challenges grant you 5 diamonds, so keep in touch with the animal jam blog!
Thanks for reading todays post, and stay tuned for even MORE FUN!!! (hint: contest!!!) Anyways, play wild, and be nice!
Yours truly,