Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fountain Sprinkler, Mechanical Future, and More!

Hello Jammers! For today's post, I am going to be showing you all some cool new items that just came to Jamaa! So the first item here is the fountain sprinkler. It is an animated item and has several water spouts on the edge...

So it is a members only item, unfortunately, but it is still a great den item and would look lovely in a new beach house den! It is fairly inexpensive, so that's a relief :D !!!!!

The votes are in... and guess what the new set of den items are? They are the mechanical future items (which I, by the way, voted for!) There are items for members and non-members! So far there are only 6 items, but more items might come!

So thanks for coming to see today's post, there was also one more new item in the store, the Lily rug, so that will look nice in a spring den. Anyways, thanks for reading today's post so stay tuned for a new one coming up soon! Enjoy the items!

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